Jarchigu Dokumo

The Mad Dog of Doma

Son of Doma and the Steppe, Wanderer of Eorzea

A FFXIV Roleplay character on the Mateus server (Crystal Datacenter)

Biographical Information

Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Gender: Male
Name Day: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (February 15th)
Age: 32
Height: 7 fulm even (7'0")
Sexuality/Status: Bisexual(female lean)/Married
Occupation: Ronin, Professional Asshole
Residence: An apartment in Kugane
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

The first things obviously about Jarchigu are his height and his skin color. Striking an imposing statue of an even seven fulms can cause anyone to give a pause before engaging with the Xaela. Now imagine something seven fulms tall that was also dark blue with dark black scales charging at you with a blade in a well-lit room. Those two things together spell a bad time for anyone who gets on Jar's bad side.Speaking of his scales, his horns jut out in severe points on both the front and the end and are ridged and rough to the touch. One point at the front on each are capped with a metallic cap likely for intimidation which seems silly considering the horns already look imposing. Never mind the four spikes that jut out of the back of his head to continue the trend of sharp, pointed objects coming from the Xaela at any one time.His hair is often done in a tight ponytail that hangs over his neck and ends just at the tops of his shoulder blades. The main color of his hair being similar black to his scales but with white highlights at the tips and through strands of his ponytail. The white highlights in his hair aren't the only physical pops of color on Jarchigu's person as his limbal rings are a shocking icy blue color, giving him an stark stare but if one can see past the bright rings they'd notice his actual iris color is a light mint green color. His pupils are also dark slits with the tips just about touching the limbal rings.His face is framed with those same rough scales around his jawline in a psuedo beard-like way with his chin ending in a pointed scale that is mirrored along other spots on his jaw. Scales one again cross over the bridge of his nose in a horizontal pattern with a dark colored tattoo or perhaps body art present across his eyes. His teeth have long, pointed canines with slightly smaller pointed ones to one side of the canine, giving him a very animalistic grin.

Born seemingly abandoned in a ditch on the lands bordering the Steppe and Doma proper, Jarchigu was found by two hyurs on a walk after a hard day of farming. Childless the couple took the crying babe home to raise as their very own. Even with the obvious physical difference between adoptive parents and child, Jarchigu was raised with all the warmth a child could get. His adoptive father, a former Sekiseigumi, took to teaching the young Xaela basic swordplay once Jar's boundless energy was shown as a toddler. However the teachings would soon stop as the Garleans put the village to the torch when word of dissenting and rebellious thoughts was said to be in the village. Pushed to safety with just his father's katana, Jarchigu somehow managed to get to safety as a young boy and eventually found his way to Eorzea where he'd eventually grow into a man. A man who wanted revenge against those who caused his life to go up in flames.Growing up in a land where you were even more unorthodox in looks as Jarchigu caused him to adopt ways to protect himself. Be boisterous to hide the sadness, dress bright to cover up the dark, act abrasive before others do the same to you, be a mad fiend on the battlefield to make up for the overwhelming fear. Jarchigu adopted many different faces and acts to help him live with his biggest being the crazed fiend for hire for mercenary bands, nicknamed 'The Mad Dog of Doma' for his off the cuff way of fighting and his seemingly lack of self-interest he had in a fight. Merc band members often remarked how Jarchigu acted like he wanted to die in a fight when in actuality he wanted so desperately to live. Live to see his revenge finally achieved and maybe to find real happiness.


This section is a WIP, please wait warmly.

Former Mercenary: Jarchigu served in various groups of mercs during his time living in Eorzea, spanning from Thanalan to Coerthas. Given the name 'Mad Dog of Doma' from those he interacted with, it could be reasonable that someone could've heard of a blue Xaela that operated in similar circles.Doma is my city: Yes, this hook's title is intentionally written like that based on a meme. On a serious note while Jarchigu left Doma at an early age he never stopped loving his adopted homeland. As such he thinks of it and its people fondly and if one were to say they were from Doma, he'd appreciate them more than the average run of the mill person.Au Ra you kiddin' me?: Growing up in Eorzea where he saw pretty much no one who looked like him, Jarchigu has always been interested in others like him. He'd be more open to talking with Raen or Xaela because of this.The Steppe ain't my city: While Jarchigu is a Xaela, he's very open about the fact that he was not raised in the Steppe. Cultural ideas and other things one typically raised in the Steppe would know he has no idea about and he doesn't seem particularly interested in making them part of his identity. He's fine learning things but doubtful that he'd bring the things he learned into his life very much.


Art! Here is all the lovely pieces of art with Jar organized in galleries by the artist in question!

Art by: Dokinana

Art by: 1emon

Art by: Digi

Art by: Rashkah

Art by: Husk

Art by: Redheaded Trickster


A collection of random screenshots by me!

Wedded bliss (shots not taken by Jar's player)

A collection of screenshots of Jar and his friend/student, Pyra! (Shots taken by Pyra's player)

A collection of screenshots of Jar done by Pyra's player!


Thanks for reading and looking at all the nice pictures! This is my main RP character however it is an alt so the character may not be online all the time.(Carrd updated: 3/10/23)

-I am 21+ and would like those I RP with to also be at or above that age.
-I enjoy slice of life and small scale adventure roleplay the most with a small group of people or one-on-one interactions. While the character is on the Mateus server, I am open to world visiting for RP events.
-Discord is given at my discretion after multiple interactions. I like discord RP along with in game RP.
-I have 0 interest in random hook-ups, flings, or other such activities with characters. Jarchigu is in an monogamous relationship and is not open to any romance RP or its trappings. Being weird will result in a block.
-While Jarchigu is not a stranger to violence or grit, I am not interested in dark rp like others. I'm not here to write a snuff film or brutalize my character or others in roleplay. If you're somehow looking for that just because Jarchigu enjoys a bit of violence as a treat, look elsewhere. I'm not interested. Mature themes are alright provided everyone speaks about what they are or are not comfortable with.
-In the same vein as the above rule I will not consent to the death of my character or grievous injury/dismemberment. Minor injuries done to him are at my express permission.
-An obvious one: IC=/=OOC! Jar can be a jerk and abrasive sometimes but it isn't a reflection of the person writing's feelings (aka me) towards your character. I am friendly and like to drop meme cat pictures unprovoked in chats after all. If something bothers you/something bothers me in RP I am 1000% open to communication!
-I am in the EST timezone and barring IRL obligations am free every day. However I firmly believe real life comes first and that roleplay is a fun hobby! Be considerate of my time and I will gladly return the favor!